
It Has Begun - Bitcoin TV Ads (USA)

 You know what's interesting these days?  The ad below went live today across the USA TV networks. Bitwise front running the market. Smart. Buy your children and grandchildren a tiny amount of Bitcoin (SATS) for Christmas. They will thank you in the years to come and if you go now, you get a great price.

Serious Business - Not Going To Zero - Young vs Elders

I hope you are all having a lovely last Sunday before Christmas Day. My Grandad instinct tells me that Bitcoin (and Crypto) might come up at family gatherings over Christmas. Younger members of the family may be enthusiastic and positive about the future of Digital money, while elder members just brush it off with "Property, a pension and stocks are how I made this family's wealth, it's all a scam". Here are some facts that might pull the whole family together. 1. Bitcoin (BTC) is not going to zero! - This opinion is no longer part of any constructive conversation and I've been having Bitcoin conversations since 2011. If BTC was going to zero, that would have happened already, if you still think it will (within a decade), stop reading and enjoy watching your cash savings shrink against inflation. 2. There will be various BTC *ETFs launched in the USA, earliest January, latest March 2024. The big investment and pension providers (BlackRock, Fidelity et al) will pro...

This Week The "DeGens" have been Bonking #Bonk

 This week my youngest son insists I'm an OG. "Yes Pops, you called it" Two weeks ago I bought the #Bonk meme coin. It's like Doge but on the Solana #SOL network. #SOL is to many the consensus crypto to buy this Bull cycle (18-24 months). Not financial advice. So this week, as I had hoped, Coinbase the largest USA based Crypto exchange listed #Bonk. Lots of people have FOMO'd in and BONK!  Steak and prawns for me this Friday night. Thank you "Millennials" this grandad is very happy. #HappyFriday  

Adapt or Die

It's been a good week of growth. £7500 stake is now £8730.  However the growth has slowed in the last few days and I'm expecting BTC to go down to maybe £30,000 ($37,000).  But I haven't invested part of my pension into Bitcoin for quick gains.  It's a long-term investment, with my grandchildren in mind.  So for clarity, I care little for short-term ups and downs, although the ups, give good vibes, of course. If you're still reading, great!  Here is a video that looks into the future and frames Bitcoin as more than just a cryptocurrency whose price goes up and down. This is what I'm investing in, a future that when I'm gone will be exponentially different to my life today and maybe I give my family a decent chance of survival. It's deep.

Why Has It Been Another Growth Day (Day 9)

Day 9  The pension pot has gone from £7,500, to £8,800 (£1,300 gain) Luck or judgment? Would you believe me if I said 100% judgement? I hope so. Here's another judgement, the price will dip (go down) 20-30 % before Christmas. The real reason the price is going up is the big Investment houses are buying. Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock are all accumulating ahead of the launch of a Bitcoin Spot ETF product in the USA within 35 days. This will mean all registered Financial Advisors (sales people), will soon be selling Bitcoin and Ethereum to their clients in 2024. ETF's are a safe way of buying BTC and ETH via a trusted third party that takes care of everything for you. Note the price of BTC when this video was shot was $28,000+ Today BTC soared to $44,000 

Extraordinary Day (Week 2)

The price of Bitcoin surged last night and again this morning to over $42,000. My pension pot bet seems to be making up a good head of steam. The pundits, influencers and big banks say £79,255 per BTC is "very likely" for 2024. That would be my initial £7,500 reaching £19,000+ Let's see how it plays out.  £815.25 up so far (8 days).

Week One (3/12/23)

 The first week has gone well. £7500 is now £7763.30 3.51% in 7 days = £263.30 I'm thinking about how I can start and sustain a YouTube channel with content.